Signs From The Other Side

Signs From The Other Side

signs from heaven - red cadillacA Sign can be as simple as my mother, while she was alive loved her car (a Red Cadillac Eldorado). When I say love, I mean LOVED this car. When she was not any longer able to drive she would still enjoy sitting in the front seat as her Aid or family friend would drive her to her Doctor’s appointment as well as food shopping etc.

One day when fear came over her that everyone else loved her car just as much and might want it when she died, she decided I must have it. I truly did not want this car being I had a car, and I also knew owning a Cadillac could be a big expense to keep up with as it was getting older. Don’t get me wrong, this car was a hot looking car and it was really quite cute that my mom being in her 80’s loved it so much. I explained to my mother in the best way I could, that I really did not want it but if you knew my mother there was no way I was not taking it. This gave her such joy, now her baby was in good hands with me. I could not even give it to my children at the time because they were not old enough to drive. So it sat in the driveway and I told my mom “Of course I am using it all the time”. The truth was when I would take it out something always needed to be repaired because I did not use it enough and it was getting older.

Now it is late winter in 2006 and my mom had passed of course, I used the car to get to her funeral and someone in the family hit it while we were all trying to park around the grave site.  She said “I am so sorry” and I told her “do not say you’re sorry to me, tell my mother” because it did not bother me at all being it was a small dent and I had really no attachment to this vehicle at all. Months had passed and now I knew it was safe to sell the car (with guilt of course). I had called her mechanic who she had bought the car from and asked how much I could get for it. I was truly surprised how low he had said it was worth, but listened to him and put it in the paper to sell. I received one phone call and a woman came and looked at the car (not even under the hood) and said I will take it. She said to me that  “her husband was handy and no matter what was wrong with it he would fix it and that they collected Cadillacs” and drove away. I truly thought” Wow”! I sold that car way too cheap, so I was waiting for others to call and no one called. I mean NO ONE. Well after I was able to get over the fact that no one was really interested in this car even at that price and was able to truly see clearly that I sold my mother’s car – the LOVE OF HER LIFE on Mother’s Day. I truly found comfort in the fact that no one else called and that the one person that wanted it the most, bought it on Mother’s Day. I said to my Mother “Thank You” and knew she was telling me from the other side; it was alright to sell it.

Today after writing this blog eight years later after selling my mom’s car, my daughter says to me as we are driving in my car…. Could you imagine if we still had grandma’s Cadillac??? I turned to her and said” it has been 8 years and you have never said anything about that car and today I write a blog about signs and you said that!”. She said “mom I just saw a Cadillac and that is what made me think of it”…. in return I said “you have not seen a Cadillac in 8 years?????”


