Love and Protection Just a Text Away


Karoline, I did want to share another experience Jen had with my sister, Lu. While Jenny was in NC a couple of weeks ago when they had a hurricane and tornado warnings, she felt very scared and was missing all of us. She was praying a lot that night. All of a sudden she gets a blank text message from Lu on her phone. We all still have my sisters phone number in our phones even though my brother in law disconnected it. So once again, my sister was reaching out to Jen letting her know that she is watching over her and she isn’t alone. I wanted to share that with you because I know how much you can appreciate it.  Being a Catholic, I think we are not to believe in spirits, but I am starting to be convinced they are very real.

Thank you Linda Galliani-Hackett for sharing your daughters “SIGN” from your beloved sister LuAnn.

Karoline Ibsen - Psychic Medium - signs from heaven


